
Apps for Event Professionals
Event Apps
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the Event

At SQRZ Agency, we're not just transforming events; we're revolutionizing the entire industry through our innovative apps tailored for event professionals.
With offices strategically located in the vibrant cities of New York and Berlin, SQRZ is breaking boundaries and opening up the market to an international client base.Our commitment to creativity is at the heart of everything we do.
Just like our visionary founder, Will Villa, who embodies the spirit of a full-stack creative and engineer. Will's passion for pushing boundaries and creating unforgettable experiences is the driving force behind SQRZ Agency's success.

SQRZ Portfolio

Join us at SQRZ Agency as we redefine the event industry, one innovative app at a time.
Let's create unforgettable experiences together.

Meet our Team

Will Villa

CEO & Dev-Ops

Kai Kraus


Miryan Escobar

Office Management

Anna Hilbert
